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Links of Interest for August 5, 2017

The ISHV Cyber Think Tank is a digest of articles, interviews, and other musings compiled by ISHV Board Member Robert B. Tapp.

Omar Baddar, Challenge Sam Harris for His Bigoted Statements and Like Any Cult Leader, He’ll Say You Don’t Understand Him read

Frances Dinkelspiel, KPFA cancels Richard Dawkins’ speech because of his tweets about Islam read

National Review pronounces the death of New Atheism read

Joan Reisman-Brill, The Humanist Dilemma: Is there Space for Any Supernaturalism in the Humanist Circle? read

Jennifer Bardi, Phoning It In for the Family? Researchers suggest it may better to make a slow and subtle break from the religion of your parents read

Meredith Thompson, What Are “Ag-Gag” Laws and Why Should Humanists Oppose Them? read

James Croft, “The Experience of God” Review – Chapter Three, Part One read

Robert M Price, Hallucinating the Archetypes read


Michael Shermer, Scientific Naturalism: A Manifesto for Enlightenment Humanism read

Elizabeth O’Casey, Humanists, religious leaders and the UN launch Beirut Declaration on combating human rights abuse read

Jeremy Lent, The dangerous delusions of Richard Dawkins read

David Breeden, Epicurus and Atomic Moderation read

‘Atheist’ Gene Roddenberry’s ‘Star Trek’ Franchise Forbids The Word ‘God’: Is New ‘Discovery’ Anti-Religion? read

Neil Carter, Why Losing God Hits Some of Us Harder read

Secular Elected Officials read

A.M. Gittlitz, ‘Make It So’: ‘Star Trek’ and Its Debt to Revolutionary Socialism read

David Breeden, The Danger is in Not Being You read