Links of Interest for December 12, 2017
The ISHV Cyber Think Tank is a digest of articles, interviews, and other musings compiled by ISHV Board Member Robert B. Tapp.
Jack Meserve, How a Skeptic Became a Stoic (Massimo Pigliucci) read
Trav Mamone, If the World Was Ending, What Would Your Last Message Be? read
Andrew Copson addresses Parliament’s human rights committee about free speech on campus read
Humanists celebrate end of NHS homeopathy prescriptions in England read
Dale McGowan,, Santa Claus – The Ultimate Dry Run
“By letting our kids participate in the Santa myth and find their own way out of it through skeptical inquiry, we give them a priceless opportunity to see a mass cultural illusion first from the inside, then from the outside. read
James Croft int. on Bi Any Means podcast listen
Greta Christina, History Has its Eyes on Us “Let’s be the people we admire. Let’s make history proud of us.” read
UK, National Secular Society read
IHEU, Secularism ‘regressing on a global scale’, says report (link to important 2017 world report) read
Institute of Arts and Ideas, Philosophy for Our Times. A series of debates on religions. Search and watch watch
David Breeden, Righteousness Fatigue read
J. H. McKenna, Believe One Miracle And You’ve No Excuse For Disbelieving All Other Miracles read
Adam Roberts, Arthur C Clarke at 100: still the king of science fiction read
When their community needed help, the SSA chapter in Puerto Rico was there with food, help, and hugs. read
Alice Calaprice, Albert Einstein, the Humanitarian In her foreward to this book [The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein (Sterling Publishing, 2013 by Walt Martin and Magda Ott)
“I believe in Spinoza’s God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.” In this way, Einstein was unifying science and religion, and referred to himself as a “deeply religious nonbeliever. Moreover, being open-minded and inclusive in his worldview, he found Jesus, Buddha, and Moses equally compelling as prophets.” read
Demian Wheeler on religious naturalism watch
Unitarian Universalist Statement on Economic Inequity read