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Links of Interest for November 11, 2017

The ISHV Cyber Think Tank is a digest or articles, interviews, and other musings compiled by ISHV Board Member Robert B. Tapp.

Alain de Botton on Free Will (5m) listen

Ethical Culture Journal October 2017 read

Gregory A. Smith, A growing share of Americans say it’s not necessary to believe in God to be moral read

Roy Speckhardt, The Religious Right Is Selling Its Soul [read](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-religious-right-is-selling-its-soul_us_59e7b95fe4b0153c4c3ec4e7

David Niose, Boy Scouts Still Shut the Door on Some Kids read

Sincere Kirabo, Fostering Inclusive Humanism at FERAL read

Elizabeth O’Casey, Where there is state religion, there is less freedom read

Hackney History of Charles Bradlaugh read

David Breeden, Reasons for Breaking a Windshield read

Barb Lutz, Take it from me: How not to handle military condolences calls read

Hemant Mehta,, Rep. Jared Huffman Announces He’s a Humanist: “I Don’t Believe in God” read

Humanist Ring Jennifer Hancock’s humanist sites

Chris Sloggett, ‘Life of Brian,’ 38 Years On: De Facto Blasphemy is Alive and Well read

Recovering from Religion Website and podcasts

David Breeden,The Virtue of Not Being Above Average read

Hemant Mehta. Does Your Church Have Secrets? FaithLeaks Wants To Know All About Them read

Hemant Mehta, Far Too Many Americans Consider Themselves “Spiritual But Not Religious” “It’s a strange euphemism. It’s meaningless, yet worthy of mockery.: read

Julian Baggini, I still love Kierkegaard read

Vikram Zutshi, In Praise of Blasphemy read

Gregory A. Smith, A growing share of Americans say it’s not necessary to believe in God to be moral read

Dennis Rasmussen, He died as he lived: David Hume, philosopher and infidel read

Jennifer Bardi, Gamm On: The Humanist Interview with Philanthropist Gordon Gamm read

David Breeden, Yes, But What Is Humanism? read

Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC) read

Michael Shermer, Scientific Naturalism: A Manifesto for Enlightenment Humanism read

Sophie Elmhirst, Philip Pullman Returns to His Fantasy World read

Religious Naturalism and Its Place in the Family of Religions read

How Kurt Vonnegut Found His Voice and His Themes read

Michael Shermer, Why Skepticism Is the Right Approach to the Afterlife, Immortality, and Utopia read

David Breeden, Marcus Aurelius, from Exhortations to Himself read