Kurtz Institute

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Putting the ‘Christ’ Back Into Christ-Myth

For the past several years, reactionary Christians have been whining about the alleged “War on Christmas.” There is no shortage of letters to the editors of publications all over the U.S. complaining that Christmas is under attack. Bill O’Reilley has been particularly riled by efforts to respect non-Christians and to make the U.S. more inclusive. How dare non-Christians intrude upon the unwelcoming party of Christians as they celebrate the birthday of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Some secularists have objected to government-funded crèches and other church/state separation violations. Others have preferred government support for secular aspects of Christmas, such as displays of Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, Santa Claus, etc.

Still others maintain that the U.S. is comprised of people embracing many faiths, and none at all. During Christmas time, many people celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the secular humanist celebration known as HumanLight, and other observances. Why not be inclusive and greet others with “Happy Holidays” and similar sayings?

Selfish, reactionary Christians are having none of this. After all, this is their holiday. The American Family Association (AFA) and the Catholic League have been influential in this culture war. The AFA threatened to boycott businesses that used “holiday” instead of “Christmas.” They primarily set their sights on Target and the Sears Holdings Corporation, collecting petitions. Such protests have worked, despite the fact that being inclusive is good for business.

Incidentally, the Florida Family Association (FFA), a chapter of the AFA based in Tampa, succeeded in persuading 45 businesses, including Lowe’s and Home Depot, to pull their ads from the The Learning Channel (TLC) reality show All American Muslim. The FFA complained that “The show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks, while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to the liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish.” That’s kind of like complaining about a show about American Christians because it does not give attention to Christians such as those in the Ku Klux Klan.

This madness should not come as a surprise. David Caton, the executive director of the FFA, challenged the Hillsborough County School Board, accusing Muslims of secularizing the schools’ holidays. Caton had also “accused” Obama of being a Muslim, and suggested that he had suspicious ties to Muslims. Stranger still, Caton harshly criticized Campbell’s Soup for making halal soups (in accordance with Muslim law.) For this alleged act of treason, Caton accused Campbell’s of aiding and abetting “Sharia law in the United States.”

On December 7, 2011, the Associated Press reported on a debate in Rhode Island over a “holiday tree.” The state’s Governor Lincoln Chafee referred to the 17-foot Statehouse spruce as a holiday tree, and reactionary Christians went nuts. Chafee said that the decision to use “holiday” instead of “Christmas” was consistent with the state’s establishment as a center of religious diversity. (Religious leader Roger Williams founded the state primarily for the purpose of establishing secularism and freedom of religion.) However, the Governor was opposed by veteran grumblers who accused him of “trying to secularize Christmas.” Chafee said, “If it’s in my house it’s a Christmas tree, but when I’m representing all of Rhode Island I have to be respectful of everyone.” It is just too bad that such an enlightened view has no place in the shallow minds of intolerant religious bigots.

Indicative of the ignorance of these holy cultural warriors is their insistence that the use of “Xmas” instead of “Christmas” is part of a conspiracy to take the Christ out of Christmas. In fact, X is the representation of the Greek Khristos, or Christ.

All of this fuss obscures the point that Christmas has about as much originality as information reproduced from a photocopier. Long before Christians “borrowed” the holiday, so-called pagans were celebrating the winter solstice. They were exchanging gifts, putting up “Christmas trees,” using mistletoe and yule logs, decorating with boughs of holly, etc.

The very story of Jesus adopted by Christians was in effect for centuries. Horus was born of a virgin in Egypt 3,000 years ago. He was crucified and resurrected after 3 days and became a savior. He was known as the chosen one. There have been scores of other savior gods throughout history.

There is no War on Christmas. There is only a war on the arrogant reactionary Christians that foolishly continue to believe that this is a Christian nation. They must be opposed every step of the way.

Happy Holidays!