The Institute for Science and Human Values (ISHV) is a non-profit organization that promotes scientific inquiry and critical thinking in evaluating claims. It works to develop values that are naturalistic and humanistic in character and appropriate to the 21st century. Religion is often at the root of society’s ethical values, and ISHV endeavors to reevaluate them on rational grounds. It continues to enlist the brightest scientists and scholars from around the globe for that purpose. Its members are committed to better developing the common moral virtues that we share as human beings.

The mission of ISHV is to test knowledge by science and reason and to develop ethical values without religious foundations that are relevant to the human condition.
— Paul Kurtz, Founder

Our Principles

We submit these principles as a basis for finding some common ground in the planetary civilization that is emerging. We offer these recommendations in the hope that they will inspire individuals to find meaning and integrity in their own lives.

  • Our first principle is the equal dignity and value of each person.

  • The right of each person to pursue one's own rights consonant with the social good.

  • The right of privacy concerning a person’s own beliefs and values.

  • Each person should be treated as an end and not as a means.

  • Each person is responsible for her/his own life and career.

  • Society should provide wherever feasible the right to education and health care, safety and protection, and the satisfaction of the basis needs.

  • Each individual should have equal opportunity where feasible to fulfill her/his own unique talents and potentialities.

  • Cultivate reason, moral and aesthetic values, to raise her/his level of taste and appreciation, to expand her/his horizons for growth, to achieve creativity.

  • The right to live with a partner or partners of her/his choice in equality, in a family and to raise children

  • It is important that every effort be made to cultivate empathic and compassion attitude towards others, and altruistic concern.

  • Every person shall have the right to participate democratically in the society.

  • To develop the common moral decencies and the excellences of the good life.

  • To be concerned with an enlightened self interest and also the common good.

  • Hopefully she/he will express good will toward others and develop an optimistic outlook in life in which happiness and exuberance will be realized.

  • All individuals live in a common habitat, the planet earth, hence every individual has a responsibility to be concerned with environmental integrity and to avoid the pollution of natural resources.