Editorial and Submission Informaiton

The Human Prospect is a magazine-style journal. It publishes a broad range of content that includes features as well as academic-quality articles and book excerpts.

Olga Bourlin is the Managing Editor of The Human Prospect. A longtime skeptic, she has served as vice president of the Humanists of Washington. An unmitigated fan of the First Amendment, she co-founded and co-chaired the Northwest Feminist Anti-Censorship Taskforce. She has written for Free Inquiry, Apogee, The Secular Humanist Press, The Examiner (the newsletter of African Americans for Humanism), and BlackPast.org.

Associate Editors

  • Robert Tapp
  • Kenneth Camargo
  • Patrick S. Inniss
  • Toni Van Pelt

Page Layout: Jackie Cooke

Cover Design: Liz Scinta

Editorial Board

  • Clinton Bennett, professor of comparative religion, SUNY New Paltz and Cambridge University.
  • Tim Dean, Ph.D. candidate at the University of New South Wales, editor of Australian Life Scientist magazine.
  • Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, novelist and professor of philosophy.
  • Susan Haack, professor of philosophy and law at the University of Miami.
  • Van Harvey, George Edwin Burnell Professor of Religious Studies (Emeritus) at Stanford University.
  • Linda LaScola, president of LaScola Qualitative Research.
  • Justin Meggitt, University Senior Lecturer, Director for the Study of Religion, Cambridge University.
  • Anthony Pinn, professor of religious studies, Rice University.


Manuscripts must be submitted by electronic mail (preferably as an attached word processing or text document) to editor@ishv.net

Once a manuscript is submitted for publication, the manuscript is checked by the journal’s Managing Editor to ensure that it is of sufficient quality and that the subject of the manuscript is within the journal’s scope1.

If the manuscript passes it’s initial check, it will be assigned to a reviewer. The reviewer will then submit their reports on the manuscripts along with their recommendation of one of the following actions to the Managing Editor: accept for publication, return for changes, or unsuitable for publication.

If the reviewer recommends returning for changes, the author will be notified to prepare and submit a final copy of their manuscript with the required changes suggested by the reviewer. The Managing Editor reviews the revised manuscript after the minor changes have been made by the authors. Once the Managing Editor is satisfied with the final manuscript, the manuscript can be accepted.

The Managing Editor has the authority to reject any manuscript because of insufficient quality or if it is deemed outside the scope of the journal. The Managing Editor cannot assign himself or herself as the reviewer of the manuscript.


All text should be single-spaced in an easily readable font such as Times New Roman. Use American English spelling, grammar and punctuation. Style should follow The Associated Press Stylebook. Be concise. Avoid the passive voice and redundancy. Avoid generic terms and superlatives such as interesting or great.

In general, use direct statements and avoid indirect statements.

  • Instead of: It should be pointed out that formal education is essential to early childhood development. Use: Formal education is essential to early childhood development.
  • Instead of: It would be good to keep in mind that Sagan considered himself a deeply spiritual person. Use: Sagan considered himself a deeply spiritual person.
  • Instead of: As we know, Carter was an unpopular president. Use: Carter was an unpopular president.

If your submission includes citations, format them according to The Chicago Manual of Style. Use endnotes, not footnotes or in-text citations. Do not include a bibliography or works cited section unless you need to acknowledge sources that are not cited directly in the endnotes.

For quotations longer than 100 words, use a right-and-left indented block quotation format.

Titles, headlines, taglines, and captions may be changed or removed during the editing process. Use section titles in bold to indicate section breaks.

  1. Submissions should be generally consistent with the mission of the Institute for Science and Human Values (ISHV), available on the ISHV Web site. ↩︎