
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 10

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 10

White scholars have regularly argued that the only role that Backs had played in Egypt during ancient times were those of slaves and low-ranking soldiers. However, in recent years, the more objective among them have changed their minds somewhat. Indeed, as the late Afrocentric scholar Asa G. Hilliard maintained, “They have quietly retreated into a multiracial Egypt.”

On the Popes and “Sainthood”

On the Popes and “Sainthood”

Well, well, well. John Paul II is soon to become a saint. Pope Francis agrees that John Paul II miraculously cured a Costa Rican woman, Floribeth Mora, of a cerebral aneurism. Physicians supposedly sent her home to die after she went to the hospital complaining of a “debilitating headache.” However, her family built a shrine to John Paul II outside their house, with a photograph of the late Pope. On May 1, 2011, the day he was beatified, Mora claims she demanded to watch the Mass in St. Peter’s Square. She claims she focused on the photo of the late Pope and vowed to get up. Supposedly, medical tests backed up the claim that the aneurism was no longer there. Showing before and after images of the aneurism, Dr. Alejandro Vargas told reporters, “It’s the first time I’ve seen anything like it. . . .”

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 8

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 8

As quietly as it is kept by bio-determinists, there has been a fascinating development in Britain since 2004: African girls have had higher grades than White British boys. According to an analytical breakdown of the national educational department‟s testing results for 2004, Black African girls outscored White boys, and the lowest achievers did not belong to an ethnic group at all, but to poor children.

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 7

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 7

According to a study released by Princeton University, smaller class sizes in lower grades improves academic success and reduces the achievement gap between Black and White students. The study was conducted by Alan Krueger and titled “Would Smaller Classes Help the Black White Achievement Gap?” Krueger studied the work of 11,600 grade school students at 79 schools at Project Star, a test pilot program in Tennessee. Krueger discovered that smaller class sizes had a more dramatic impact on the performance of Black students than on White students. For Black students, the gap decreased by 38 percent and continued to be 15 percent lower after the students returned to bigger classes. Moreover, in smaller classes, Black students were more inclined to take ACT or SAT tests, having a larger increase than White students in smaller classes.

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 6

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 6

There have been numerous schools that have made it their mission to educate Black and Latino children - those that many race scholars insist simply cannot learn. One of the best examples was the Westside Preparatory School in the poor inner-city Chicago neighborhood of Garfield Park. Educator Marva Collins established the inexpensive private school in 1975 and ran it until it closed in 2008 due to a lack of funding and students. Collins had astounding success at teaching students that had previously been labeled learning disabled. Third grade students were reading at a ninth grade level and students were making other highly impressive accomplishments.

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 4

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 4

Those racist scholars that try to link brain size to intelligence ignore or downplay the fact that environmental factors are at least as important as genetics in determining brain size. Children receiving bad nutrition and little social interaction with their parents have clear decreases in brain size. Moreover, children facing stress and diminished educational opportunities tend to have lower I.Q. scores.

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 3

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 3

Today’s eugenicists - many of them gathered under the Pioneer Fund’s umbrella - focus their attention on blacks and Latinos, although a fixation with Jews still persists among the most rabid, who, like Hitler, believe the ’colored races’ are being used to generally undermine whites so the Jews can take over the world. Under various guises, Pioneer Fund researchers have promoted many of the same policies for tailoring the gene pool as did their Nazi precursors. To limit mixing with the unworthy, Pioneer Fund grant recipients have lobbied for restrictive immigration policies and promoted various forms of segregation. To rid the world of ’undesirables’ - and their potential offspring - some grant recipients have suggested sterilization or even extermination.

The God of the (Rapidly Closing) Gaps

The God of the (Rapidly Closing) Gaps

Earlier this week it was reported that the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array) radio telescope in Chile caught an image of planets coming into existence in the disk of gas and dust surrounding a very young star. According to the latest scientific theory, the disk gradually increases in size and planets eventually form. And again, just like photos from the Hubble telescope capturing the formation of stars, there is not a God to be seen. (And yet again, Genesis got it all wrong. Planets do not come into existence _before_ stars are formed. Furthermore, stars and planets are the products of natural – not supernatural – forces.

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 2

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 2

Some White scholars make a fetish out of I.Q. scores and use them to argue that some races are less intelligent than others. Moreover, some claim that I.Q. is fixed or unchangeable. They further maintain that I.Q. is the main determining factor in earning power, class, status, etc. This implies that less intelligent races are destined to be on the bottom of society socially and economically, as Vincent Sarich and Frank Miele argue in Race: The Reality of Human Differences.

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 1

Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science — Part 1

In the 1990s, _The Bell Curve_ received widespread media and scholarly attention, due mostly to the authors’ contention that Blacks are less intelligent than Whites and Asians. In 2004, Vincent Sarich and Frank Miele, in the name of skepticism and science, came out with _Race: The Reality of Human Differences_. The authors claimed that not only do races exist, but that the differences among them are significant. They claimed that not only are Blacks, on average, less intelligent than Whites, but that IQ is pretty much immutable, and that, in essence, Blacks are hopelessly stuck on stupid.

You Can't (Win) with God on Your Side

You Can't (Win) with God on Your Side

Anna Pierre, R.N., a mayoral candidate from North Miami, said that she received God‟s political endorsement. A poster on her FaceBook page featured a White Jesus. (Pierre is a Black woman.) The poster read: “Anna Pierre, RN is endorsed by Jesus Christ.” Unfortunately for Pierre, the Almighty did not have enough power to bring her the political victory. Actually, it was much worse than that. Out of seven mayoral candidates, Pierre came in dead last with 56 votes, or 0.83 percent - a rather ungodly finish. Jesus didn’t save her campaign.

More UFO Nonsense

More UFO Nonsense

Recently, 14-year-old rapper Jayden Smith, son of entertainers Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith, made a startling revelation. He reportedly said that President Obama informed him that extraterrestrial aliens are real. In actuality, however, the President simply said that he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of said aliens. In Smith’s mind, though, this “means they’re real.” Smith went on to contend that human beings could not be the only intelligent beings in the universe.

Some Thoughts on Humanism, Animal Welfare and Animal Rights

Some Thoughts on Humanism, Animal Welfare and Animal Rights

Humanists have long been accused of being speciesist, or biased toward human beings at the expense of other species. Many humanists readily admit to being speciesist. Others deny it, and still others clearly are not speciesist. They are vegans or vegetarians and consistently speak, write and work for animal rights. Animal rights are not to be confused with animal welfare. Animal welfare concerns looking out for pets and farm animals, finding homes for pets, seeing to it that they receive veterinarian care, seeing to it that they are spayed and neutered, etc. Animal rights activists, however, insist that other animals have certain rights, such as the right to roam freely, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the right to be free from medical or scientific experimentation, etc.

Another Caribbean Atheist Steps Up — A Review

Another Caribbean Atheist Steps Up — A Review

Non-theists are coming out of the woodwork, and this is always a most welcome development, especially among people of African descent. Seon M. Lewis of Grenada has done so with his book From Mythology to Reality. This well-researched book expertly demolishes the ridiculous notion among Rastafarians that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is God. Moreover, Lewis offers many excellent critiques of theism, the Bible, Rastafarianism, Afrocentric thought and religion in general.

We Shall Not Overcome — A Review

We Shall Not Overcome — A Review

Green makes some fascinating analogies in her book. For example, she compares the oppression of Black people by White Christians to the oppression of the Dalits or “untouchables” under the Hindu castes system in India. The author points out that the major difference has been that Hindus have clearly acknowledged that their religion promotes caste discrimination. The Dalits are deemed morally inferior due to alleged sins in previous lives. Christians, on the other hand, have maintained that _true_ Christianity is supposed to be all about equality for all people. In other words, Christian bigots are hypocrites of the lowest sort.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

The United Nations declared March 20th the first International Day of Happiness. Action for Happiness even has a website. The UN believes that celebrating a day of happiness is important in getting nations to better understand why the pursuit of happiness is crucial in reaching their public policy goals. People all over the world have embraced the celebration of happiness in numerous ways. The International Day of Happiness was originally suggested by Bhutan, a country that uses the Gross National Happiness Index to evaluate their progress, rather than a gross domestic product (GDP) mode.