
Are Black Atheists Satanic Traitors with a Slave Mentality?

Are Black Atheists Satanic Traitors with a Slave Mentality?

Recently, the Atheist Alliance of America held a conference in close proximity to the Women of Color Ministries. Mandisa Thomas, a leading Black atheist activist, attended the conference. She and other atheists were confronted by some of the nice Christian ladies from the other group. These women essentially accused Thomas of being a sellout with a slave mentality, essentially accused the White atheists of being demons, and confidently proceeded to pray the demons away.

Defending Science and Taking Down Religion — A Book Review

Defending Science and Taking Down Religion — A Book Review

Since the advent of the leading New Atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens, many religious and non-religious people have complained that religion has not been getting the respect it supposedly deserves. Atheists have harshly criticized religion and the God concept with no apologies whatsoever.

Africa, Spirituality and Mental Illness

Africa, Spirituality and Mental Illness

Mental illness has long had a stigma among African Americans. Churches do not address it very well, and many African Americans are squeamish about discussing it. However, as bad as the problem is in the Black community of the U.S., Black Africans have it much worse. People suffering from mental illness in many African nations are literally chained in Christian prayer camps. Some of them wander the streets completely nude. Many African Christians believe they can cure mental illness through prayer.

On Misogyny, Intimidation and Shockingly Hateful Speech

On Misogyny, Intimidation and Shockingly Hateful Speech

As a result, she temporarily left the area to get away from the abuse and to clear her head. When she returned, she was again subjected to abuse. This time a Bills fan walked in front of her, proudly displayed his Bills shirt, and told her, “I hope you get raped!”

Even if the woman had been a convicted child killer, no decent person would have wished rape upon her. However, this was a freaking football game! If something as innocent as a football game could provoke this kind of vile hatred, one can just imagine how such viciousness could erupt in men that resent women’s success.

On Morality and Legality: In Defense of Civil Libertarianism

On Morality and Legality: In Defense of Civil Libertarianism

Recently, the trials and tribulations of Ashley Madison have been in the news. That is the agency catering to those that want to cheat on their spouses. A hack list containing a whopping 32 million names has been released. The company’s CEO Noel Biderman resigned. Biderman had always claimed that he had no extramarital affairs behind his beloved wife’s back. However, there are reportedly emails showing that (surprise!) he has had several such affairs.

God and (Opposite-sex) Marriage

God and (Opposite-sex) Marriage

At most weddings, preachers dogmatically insist that marriages cannot last unless couples put God first. However, it seems more sensible to urge that couples put each other first. Indeed, there are many nonreligious couples that are ecstatically happy doing just that. The late, great secular humanist Paul Kurtz and his wife Claudine were such a couple. Kurtz wrote and spoke eloquently about the commitment that married couples should have with one another; and more importantly, he “walked the walk.” (Moreover, Kurtz helped popularize the call for humanist weddings, funerals and other ceremonies.)

Eurocentric Thought and Islamophobia: A Perfect Combination

Eurocentric Thought and Islamophobia: A Perfect Combination

Muslims in France are running out of mosques. Their mosques are overcrowded and, in some cases, many Muslims have to pray _outside_ their mosques because there are too many other Muslims inside. Some French Muslims have come up with what seems to many like a sensible answer to the problem. They have suggested that, because there are so many empty churches in France, they could be converted into mosques.

The Unmitigated Horror of (Gasp!) Evolution

The Unmitigated Horror of (Gasp!) Evolution

The latest Jurassic Park movie _Jurassic World_ has sent many Christians into a tizzy. They find it difficult to enjoy the film because it lends credence to the theory of evolution, which for creationists and Intelligent Design theorists, is far more frightening than any tyrannosaur could ever be. (Indeed, many of them refer to it as _eviloution_.) How ironic that, for them, they cannot enjoy science fiction because of the good science behind it!

Organized Humanism in the Philippines

Organized Humanism in the Philippines

On May 31, 2015, my brother Dave Allen and I attended the second international conference of the Philippine Atheists and Agnostics Society (PATAS.) The organization was founded on February 14, 2011 by former leader Marissa Torres. (Torres has founded and leads another group known as the Humanist Association of the Philippines International, or HAPI, some of whose members attended the second PATAS conference.)

God and Sports

God and Sports

Perhaps I could be of some assistance in this regard. The Bible not only condones aggressive and combative behavior, but it is much worse than that. Freddie, how about this sexist/genocidal gem? “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.” (Numbers 31:17-18.)

God and the Problem of Evil

God and the Problem of Evil

It has always been absolutely clear to me that theodicy is a complete waste of time. The problem of evil simply cannot be solved. How could evil exist if a perfectly good, all-powerful, all-knowing God exists? Evil cannot come from that which is perfectly good. Therefore, God could not have created evil. (Moreover, evil could not have originated outside God, because God is everywhere. A perfectly good God would have recognized evil and destroyed it at its inception.)

On Religiously Sanctioned Bigotry

On Religiously Sanctioned Bigotry

In recent weeks there have been disturbing stories in the news about people using religion to make life miserable for others. There is the story of certain Ultra- Orthodox Jewish men on numerous flights from New York to Israel refusing to sit next to women because it is allegedly against their religion. These religious fanatics, not surprisingly, insist that everyone must respect their deeply cherished religious values.