Controlling Our Sexuality (Part 1)

There is much discussion about the reactionary war on women and women’s bodies. There is also much discussion about the reactionary war on LGBTQ rights. However, these are merely the major battles in the overall reactionary war to control human sexuality.

Tyrants and primitive religionists have long understood the importance of controlling human sexuality. If those in power can control peoples’ sexuality, they can control peoples’ bodies, minds and destiny.

Among reactionary religionists today, the Religious Right, the Taliban, the virtue police in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim extremists, and the Nation of Islam (NOI) provide great examples of leaders controlling followers via their sexuality. Women and LGBTQ people are oppressed and silenced, first and foremost. Women are shamed into remaining virgins and same-sex relations are strictly forbidden and deemed sinful, unnatural, etc. However, heterosexual men are also commanded to remain virgins until marriage, and to remain monogamous afterward. Masturbation for all is forbidden. Among some reactionary religionists, sexual fantasy and other “impure thoughts” are deemed sinful and punishable by hellfire. Among other religionists, only the missionary position is permitted, and oral sex and anal sex are strictly forbidden.

With so much control over sexuality motivated by fear and, in some cases, self-loathing, it becomes easy to control peoples’ actions in other areas. It becomes easier to force people to go to war, to sacrifice for the good of their leaders, etc. If people cannot embrace the idea of sexual freedom, they are unlikely to seek freedom of any other kind, unless commanded to do so by the powers that be.

Once people become controlled, for many, it becomes like an addiction. For example, former Pennsylvania senator and Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum is perhaps the most reactionary presidential candidate. However, as Washington Post reporter Amy Gardner stated in a story in the February 25, 2012 issue of The Buffalo News, p. A6: “Santorum has grown more popular among women while talking about his opposition to abortion, his disapproval of birth control and his view that the federal government shouldn’t pay for prenatal screenings.”

Santorum believes that birth control is ineffective and that it “is harmful to women” and the U.S. He believes that it promotes fornication and adultery, especially among young people.

Santorum especially opposes prenatal testing to diagnose a deformed fetus, because such knowledge could lead a woman to want an abortion. Since January, his popularity has increased by 13% among Republican women. Fifty-seven percent of them view him favorably. Some experts claim that his popularity has risen because he supposedly does not change his mind on important subjects. If true, this appears to be what Bill Clinton meant when he said: “When times are uncertain, the American people would rather have a leader who is wrong but strong than one who is right but weak.”

Not so fast. Santorum, like most politicians, has flip-flopped on various issues. For example, columnist Ruth Marcus, of the Washington Post Writer's Group, wrote that Santorum claimed to back Title X, the government funded program for family planning that provides contraception for poor women. In the February 25, 2012 issue of The Buffalo News, she quotes Santorum:

“It’s funny that I’ve been criticized by Governor [Mitt] Romney and by Ron Paul for actually having voted for something called Title X, which is actually federal funding of contraception,” Santorum told CBS’ Charlie Rose. “My public policy beliefs are that this contraception should be available. Again, I’ve supported Title X funding.” (p. A11)

However, five days later, Santorum said: “As Congressman Paul knows, I opposed Title X funding. I’ve always opposed Title X funding….” (ibid) In 2006, he said, “From a governmental point of view, I support, you know, Title X…and have voted for contraception.” (ibid)

With all of this mind-boggling flip-flopping, one might be inclined to include that Santorum and the other Republicans are merely saying what many reactionary voters want to hear. However, this kind of rhetoric only encourages and emboldens reactionary people that take it seriously.

Indeed, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell changed his mind about supporting a law that would require a woman to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound before undergoing an abortion. According to a story by Beth Fouhy in the Associated Press, McDonnell said, “I got legal advice from various people, including my attorney general, that these kinds of invasive requirements might run afoul of Fourth Amendment law.” (The Buffalo News, March 5, 2012, p. A7) The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects against unreasonable search and seizure.

This illustrates how close reactionary politicians are to controlling people’s sexuality and the direction (backward) of the country.