Links of Interest for September 18, 2017

The ISHV Cyber Think Tank is a digest of articles, interviews, and other musings compiled by ISHV Board Member Robert B. Tapp.

Philip Pullman interview by Peter Jukes:

“Nearly all the influences Pullman has cited so far have a religious background, and so, inverting Blake’s comment on Milton, I ask him: ‘Aren’t you really of the believer’s party without knowing it?’ He’s amused by the thought. ‘I probably am,’ he says. ‘I’m religious, but I’m an atheist. I think religious questions are the big questions. Where did we come from? What is life about? What is evil? Those are questions I do think about.’” read

Reasons to Believe, Michael Shermer (1h 2 m) watch

The Fight for our Philosophy is a Council for Secular Humanism symposium appearing in Free Inquiry/ Part 2 (of 3) is in Oct.Nov. issue. Many essential issues for humanists discussed here. See current introductions by Judy Walker and Tom Flynn. read read

'Is religion dying out in Britain?' Andrew Copson on Sunday Morning Live (18m) watch

Dean Burnett, Why religious belief isn't a delusion – in psychological terms, at least: “Well, it shouldn’t be, because as they say, “You talk to God, you’re religious. God talks to you, you’re psychotic.” That’s a line from the TV show House MD), delivered by the eponymous acerbic medic played by Hugh Laurie.” read

Unbelievable? Can secularism save the West? Peter Hitchens & Andrew Copson (1h 22m) watch

Julian Baggini, Truth? It’s not just about the facts:

"At the same time, what is important about the truth is always relative to the knower. The mathematician, the scientist, the artist, the historian and the religious believer are not always concerned with the same truths or the same aspects of truth. Truth is not relative, but we relate to it in innumerable ways.” read

rjosephhoffmann, Moral Outrage read

Discussion guide for Anthony Pinn’s When Colorblindness Isn't The Answer read

Julian Baggini, The triage of truth: do not take expert opinion lying down: “This triage gives us a procedure but no algorithm. It does not dispense with the need to make judgments, it simply provides a framework to help us do so.” read

Joe Chuman, Ethical Culture Beyond Belief and Humanism’s Farther Reaches (40m) watch

Gleb Tsipursky, Matching Challenge watch

Amy Couch, Happy. Healthy. Heathen. An Interview with Recovering from Religion's Gayle Jordan read

David Niose, Ignorance Isn't Bliss—It's Frightening read

Donald A. Collins, Bannon tells the secular truth about religious perfidy read

Dean Burnett, Why aren’t religious views classed as delusions? Religious beliefs are typically incompatible with scientific evidence and observable reality, but aren’t considered to be delusions. Why not? read

Tim Denning, My Incredibly Simple Guide To Stoicism — Learn Wisdom You Can Practically Use read

Noam Chomsky - New Atheists, Islamaphibia, and the War on Terror watch

Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) website read

Religion Vs Atheism | Philosophy Tube watch

Steven Pinker: The Elephant, the Emperor, and the Matzo Ball (2016 43m) watch

Michael Shermer reviews Robert Sapolsky read

Robyn Blumner, Religion Is An Empirical Question –– Finally Free Inquiry editorial by president/CEO of the Center for Inquiry.

‘Even if we acknowledge some psychological benefits, religion is a costly exercise for individuals and groups.” read

Josh Jones, An Animated Introduction to Stoicism, the Ancient Greek Philosophy That Lets You Lead a Happy, Fulfilling Life watch