
Black Churches Screw Up Again!

Black Churches Screw Up Again!

Recently, news outlets have reported that Black churches have been “telling their flocks to stay home on Election Day.” Many Black ministers are upset that President Obama supports same-sex marriage and that Mitt Romney is (horrors!) a Mormon, and therefore, not a “real” Christian. They have therefore concluded that genuine Christians will have no good alternative on Election Day.

Which Economic System is Most Humanistic?

Which Economic System is Most Humanistic?

Many well-meaning people believe they know which social, political and economic systems are best for humanity. Socialists, communists, capitalists, anarchists, libertarians, anarcho-socialists (or libertarian socialists), and others all feel absolutely certain that their preferred systems are best for the human race, in particular, and the world in general.

Heaven: Where is it? How do we get there?

Heaven: Where is it? How do we get there?

On July 6, 2012, ABC aired this “20/20” special featuring Barbara Walters. It was reported that nine out of ten people believe in Heaven. One speaker said that he believes that Heaven is the true prize that awaits us after our journey on Earth. Many people believe this. In less popular terms, they truly believe that “life is a dress rehearsal” for the after life. Oddly, many of them further maintain that such a belief actually gives meaning to their lives on Earth.

Generally Accepted Legal Discrimination and the Rights of Ex-Cons

Generally Accepted Legal Discrimination and the Rights of Ex-Cons

Human beings have made tremendous progress in human relations in recent decades. Many of us have learned that it is wrong to hate and discriminate against racial minorities, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, women, etc. We have learned the importance of extending equal opportunity for all and judging people, in the words of Martin Luther King, “by the content of their character,” and not on stereotypes of the groups to which they belong.

Bad Modern-Day Humanists Versus Bad Modern-Day Religionists

Bad Modern-Day Humanists Versus Bad Modern-Day Religionists

Many humanists (not merely non-theists) and religionists tend to believe that their respective groups are superior to the other. However, both groups seem to forget that we never cease to be _human beings_, and therefore fallible. The same can also be said of our worldviews, regardless of what promoters of biblical inerrancy might argue to the contrary.bad

Obama Versus Farrakhan: Round One

Obama Versus Farrakhan: Round One

On Sunday, May 27, 2012, Screwy Louie Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI), became the latest reactionary leader to publicly denounce President Obama’s defense of same-sex marriage. Speaking at the California Convention Center, the Sinister Minister said Obama is “the first president that sanctioned what the Scriptures forbid.” Indeed, not only does the Bible forbid sexual intercourse between members of the same sex, it condones the killing of homosexuals.

Controlling Our Sexuality (Part 2)

Controlling Our Sexuality (Part 2)

Rush Limbaugh is the latest reactionary icon to come to the defense of government efforts to control women’s sexuality. According to Associated Press reports, Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke was invited to testify about her university’s health plan—which excludes contraception—before a House committee. Republican lawmakers prevented her from testifying. However, Democrats invited her to speak to them at an unofficial session.

Blacks, Evolution, Racism, and Darwin Day (Part 3)

Blacks, Evolution, Racism, and Darwin Day (Part 3)

For 50 years, the anthropologist Joel Augustus Rogers researched Black history throughout the world. He traveled to 60 countries, mostly at his own expense. Rogers, a secular humanist, embraced evolutionary theory, promoted good science, and brilliantly critiqued pseudoscience. He routinely proclaimed, “there is but one race, the human race.” He spoke at rallies of Marcus