Religion and the Mis-Education of the Negro

Religion and the Mis-Education of the Negro

“. . . there would be no lynching if it did not start in the schoolroom.” – Carter G. Woodson

In 1933, the historian Carter G. Woodson wrote the classic The Mis-Education of the Negro. Woodson contended that Blacks had been “trained and not educated.” He thoroughly discussed the mis-education of Blacks in religion, politics, schools, institutions of higher learning, and so on.

Links of Interest for October 25, 2018

Links of Interest for October 25, 2018

The ISHV Cyber Think Tank is a digest or articles, interviews, and other musings compiled by ISHV Board Member Robert B. Tapp.

Tali Sharo, The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others; Richard Feynman: Entropy, Past And Future, History Of The Universe; Hemant Mehta, After Marriott Merger, Sheraton and Westin Hotels Will Offer Holy Books in Rooms, and many other links of interest.

Why Do So Many Progressive Theists Stick with Reactionary Churches?

Why Do So Many Progressive Theists Stick with Reactionary Churches?

How could anyone with just a modicum of basic decency and humanity not see how cruel it is to assign millions of souls to eternal torment simply for not having even heard of Jesus Christ? It is not bad enough that Africans have to suffer in this world. No, indeed. God cannot be appeased and many Christians cannot be truly happy unless non-Christians also suffer forever in the next world. Only then can self-righteous Christians feel especially good about themselves. Ironically, this belief is about ego stroking among Christians that believe themselves to be remarkably humble. As someone once remarked, paradoxically, “they are proud that they are not proud.”

Why I Promote Freethought, Atheism, and Humanism

Why I Promote Freethought, Atheism, and Humanism

First, I promote non-theism because I am deeply passionate about it, and because it matters. It matters that throughout the history of human civilization, most people have believed strongly in a Being for whom there appears to be no strong evidence whatsoever. Many theists are easy to lead astray, to manipulate, to oppress and to enslave. Many others do a great deal of harm in the name of God. Therefore, I am intellectually and morally obligated to stand uncompromisingly opposed to theism. I could not in good conscience run away from such a duty.

Deo Ssekitoleko – Humanist Pioneer

Deo Ssekitoleko – Humanist Pioneer

On August 10, 2018, the humanist world lost a great humanist activist in Uganda. Deo Ssekitoleko died under mysterious circumstances. According to his post mortem, his neck was broken during strangulation. At the time of this writing, there is not much more reliable information than that to go on. Deo founded the Uganda Humanist Association (UHASSO.) Many humanists regarded him as the most important humanist activist, organizer and leader in East Africa.

What White Supremacy REALLY Means

What White Supremacy REALLY Means

In his excellent book, The Ethnic Myth, scholar Stephen Steinberg demonstrated that throughout history, poor and working-class Whites in the U.S. often kicked their best interests to the curb if it meant maintaining their status above Black people. Indeed, White supremacy is largely about identity and psychology. Some of President Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters are poor, White, uneducated paranoid conspiracy theorists. They believe that making America great again largely means bringing a White man back to the White House. (Even a White billionaire.)

The Nuwaubian Nation and Reactionary Black Nationalism

The Nuwaubian Nation and Reactionary Black Nationalism

It is easy for mainstream religionists to criticize followers of cults and sects. However, why should primitive insanity be preferred over modern insanity? We should all strive to establish strong criteria for examining extraordinary claims, regardless of where those claims are to be found. This would be a major way to combat dangerous cults and even relatively harmless irrational ideas.

Why Doesn’t Widespread Christian Hypocrisy Lead to More Doubt?

Why Doesn’t Widespread Christian Hypocrisy Lead to More Doubt?

There have always been Christian hypocrites. But they used to be in the minority and easy to write off. I am not writing about Christians that, like all of us, are fallible. I am talking about those that, for the most part, talk the talk but cannot walk the walk. The great writer and debater Melvin B. Tolson used to refer to them as “mouth Christians” . . . .

Donald Trump vs. Good Science

Donald Trump vs. Good Science

There was a time in the not-too-distant past when I believed that it did not really matter who became the President of the U.S. I was of the opinion that any moron could reach that position without any serious damage being done to the nation. However, President Donald Trump has quickly disabused me of that foolish notion. Trump is the most anti-intellectual, anti-science, hopelessly irrational, conspiracy-minded president in the history of this nation. And the damage that he could do to the world is truly terrifying.

Christian Bigotry, Intolerance and the Sources of Morality

Christian Bigotry, Intolerance and the Sources of Morality

My girlfriend has an excessively religious Christian friend that believes atheists are nasty, evil people destined for Hell. And why wouldn’t that wonderful Christian believe this prejudiced nonsense? After all, the Bible contains passages promoting this idea. For example, Psalm 14 reads, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Christians that have been indoctrinated to believe that everything in the Bible must be true, and that have a holier-than-thou mindset, are going to believe this mindless drivel. They are even more likely to believe this if they are unable to comprehend the simple common logical fallacy known as begging the question. That is to say, if one believes the Bible is the Word of God, she cannot prove it by referring to the Bible itself. She needs sources outside the Bible, such as reputable historians, expert, trustworthy non-Christian eyewitnesses, etc.

Black Music, Skepticism, Humanism and Secularism

Black Music, Skepticism, Humanism and Secularism

June is African American Music Appreciation Month. (It was originally designated as Black Music Month on June 7, 1979 by President Jimmy Carter. President Obama gave it the present designation in 2009. By the way, June is also LGBT Pride Month.) African Americans have contributed greatly to music. They were among the founders of blues, jazz, rock and roll, disco, rap and other genres. Musicians such as Little Richard heavily influenced the Beatles. Musicians such as Muddy Waters heavily influenced the Rolling Stones. (In fact, Rolling Stone magazine and the Rolling Stones are both named after Waters’ 1950 hit “Rollin’ Stone.”)

Follow Your Passion – and Let Go if Necessary

Follow Your Passion – and Let Go if Necessary

Some people are always criticizing other people’s missions. For example, someone who is passionate about environmentalism might criticize others for not concluding that there is nothing more important than dealing with climate change. This critic might believe that unless we all work together to address the challenge of climate change, all other missions are pretty much a waste of time.

Inexpensive Sex and Its Impact Upon Society — A Book Review

Inexpensive Sex and Its Impact Upon Society — A Book Review

Regnerus is a conservative and prefers the “exchange relationship” between women and men in which women view sex as a valuable prize to be shared with men only when women can reasonably expect romantic dates, improved finances, security, gifts, and at least competent fatherhood. By having sex with men too soon, the author contends, women are decreasing or even destroying the likelihood that they will get what they prize greatly – marriage. Ideally, women would wait until marriage to have sex with men. However, the author realizes that those days are long gone, and he does not long for them wistfully. He claims that he merely wants to understand modern relationships and where they might be headed.

Comedy and Religion

Comedy and Religion

". . . religion’s greatest trick wasn’t convincing people that there was a God who was all-powerful. It was convincing everyone else that you couldn’t ridicule the idea." – British Comedian and Atheist Ricky Gervais

Despite the popular notion that religion should be deadly serious, the fact remains that religion is downright hilarious. Indeed, CBS has premiered the sitcom Living Biblically, and comedies such as CBS’ Young Sheldon have dealt with religion intelligently and in funny ways.

Links of Interest for March 2, 2018

Links of Interest for March 2, 2018

The ISHV Cyber Think Tank is a digest or articles, interviews, and other musings compiled by ISHV Board Member Robert B. Tapp.

Amy Couch , Pursuing Truth with Anjan Chakravartty (new professor at Univ. of Miami) “The thing I’m most unsure about is what response we will get, in a society that is so polarized in so many ways, but I’m hopeful that everyone, whatever their personal view of the Chair for the Study of Atheism, Humanism, and Secular Ethics, will join me in thinking that the ideal of excellent education and research is crucial to our wellbeing as a society and to our collective future.”

Donald Trump: The True Divider

Donald Trump: The True Divider

Donald Trump is truly divisive in a very horrible way. As a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and as someone who has worked for organizations serving vets for years, I had heard criticisms from vets of Democratic and Republican presidents. But I had never heard a single vet say that she or he would not want to fight for any U.S. president – until Trump came to power. I shared my observation with other vets, and many of them said that they, too, would not fight for this Commander-in-Chief.