
The Anatomy of Tyranny and the Case of Donald Trump

The Anatomy of Tyranny and the Case of Donald Trump

The Constitution of the United States established a democracy with clear separation of powers between the three branches of government. Nevertheless, achieving a democracy still depends upon the citizens and certain qualities of the elected officials. This essay examines several famous historical leaders identified as tyrants by noted historians, and describes the common strategies all of them used to gain autocratic power in diverse societies. The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, is then shown to have applied the same strategies to gain autocratic power in this country.

Observations and Speculations Concerning Neuroscience, Gun Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Politics

Observations and Speculations Concerning Neuroscience, Gun Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Politics

There have been advances in several fields which have relevance to political communication. New information in the areas of psychology and neuroscience suggest possible explanations for divergent political views. In addition, social media and the internet in general have provided new means of communicating political messages, as well as a wealth of information about political beliefs down to the individual level. The fusion of this new information poses opportunities as well as risks. These are explored through a discussion of the gun control debate and how that debate illuminates our understanding of conservative versus liberal politics and political messaging. The implications relevant to recent political and technical developments, and the real and potential roles of artificial intelligence as both a threat and a possible solution, are presented.