Unitarian Universalist

Breaking the Last Taboo

Breaking the Last Taboo

An oldie-but-goodie from self-proclaimed skeptic and agnostic James A. Haught, who’s written several books on atrocities and injustices wreaked in the name of religion. The subject of taboos wouldn’t be complete without this quintessential jeremiad originally published in the Winter 1996/97 issue of Free Inquiry (a journal of secular humanist opinion and commentary founded in 1980 by Paul Kurtz).

Racism in Organized Nontheism

Racism in Organized Nontheism

Racism is a problem in the organized humanist movement, just as it is in the wider society. Humanists will never successfully combat racism in humanist organizations unless they first combat it in the greater society. Regardless of any success made in fighting racism in organized humanism, non-White humanists have the right to organize among themselves. Such a show of unity is more often than not centered on common interests and common objectives, rather than antipathy toward Whites.