Human Flourishing

The Lost Art of Happiness: Sounds of the Heart

The Lost Art of Happiness: Sounds of the Heart

Aphorisms can serve as a kind of shorthand for complex thoughts. They can synthesize important ideas in pithy and therefore memorable ways. While often abused and reduced to fortune cookie readouts or greeting card tag lines, when presented in the proper context, aphorisms can be useful hooks that trigger deeper thoughts and reinforce appropriate feelings. I think of the maxims here as piece]s] of construction that I call Spiritual Timber. Here is material with which to construct a home, one with air and light, shutters thrown open and doors ajar. It is a home of shelter, protection, and warmth. This is the material to make an inviting and expansive home, one that welcomes the world in. This is a home of generosity and respect, peace, and hospitality.

Paul Kurtz on Eupraxsophy, Love, and Friendship

Paul Kurtz on Eupraxsophy, Love, and Friendship

Eupraxsophy provides an excellent alternative to organized religion, although its creator, Paul Kurtz, urged humanists to work with religionists to find common values. Even though the term “eupraxsophy” has encountered much resistance among humanists, Kurtz’s worldview has been accepted by many humanist leaders throughout the world and has cut across racial lines.

Eupraxsophy has the potential to break down seemingly insurmountable racial barriers. It fosters love, empathy, friendship, sexual fulfillment, personal happiness, and economic justice for people from all walks of life.

Paul Kurtz Exemplifies the Magnificence of a Secular Life Worth Living

Paul Kurtz Exemplifies the Magnificence of a Secular Life Worth Living

When I think of Paul Kurtz, I think of three adjectives: Visionary, Indefatigable, and Productive.

Paul Kurtz was a visionary in many ways. Personally, I appreciated his recognition that the future of secular humanism had to include a more diverse demographic. The future of secular humanism cannot continue to ignore the more than 50 million people that we call Latinos/Hispanics in the United States, and he knew that.

Paul Kurtz was in the business of saving minds, not souls, and he was very good at it. He produced many followers who will continue his work. Paul Kurtz left us with organizations and other vehicles through which secular humanism continues to assert its place in the public square. Even his critics must acknowledge that.

What Is Happiness?

What Is Happiness?

What is the good life, and is it achievable? People have long sought for happiness, and they have explored the ends of the earth for its realization, but in different ways: the quest for the Holy Grail; a life of service; the delights of pleasure and sensual consummation, or of quiet withdrawal.

Mindfulness Rational Living

Mindfulness Rational Living

What is Mindfulness Rational Living? Glad you asked! Mindfulness Rational Living is the combination of two very powerful approaches that have been proven to help people live more productive, peaceful, and happy lives. The first, Rational Emotive Behavioral / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a Western influence and the second Mindfulness / Zen is an Eastern influence. The research that now supports these two approaches is impressive. Ignoring this is tantamount to making a public announcement that you simply do not want to live a good life.